Stormwater and Pollution Info and Links

NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) & DEC Stormwater (MS4) website Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) (home page) Additional MS4 tools and Resources (links on right side of page) Reducing the Impacts of Stormwater Runoff from New Developments (document images) NYS DEC Regulations and Enforcement Pollution Prevention Starts at Home Constructing Recreational and Farm Ponds Top 12 Things Your Community Can Do to Protect Water Resources
1. Reduce the amount of impervious surface in new development
2. Practice land conservation or conduct acquisition to protect sensitive areas
3. Create and/or protect stream and wetland buffers
4. Enact or enforce a strict erosion and sediment control program
5. Require stormwater best management practices (BMPs) for new development
6. Restore degraded stormwater systems, retrofit where necessary
7. Use best available technology for sewage treatment plants and septic systems
8. Initiate a community-based education and outreach program to landowners
9. Monitor and assess your water to provide baseline data and identify changes in water quality
10. Create a local enforcement program for stormwater violations and illicit connections
11. Develop an operation and maintenance program to reduce pollutant loading from your municipality's buildings, roads and parks that includes training for municipal employees
12. Work with neighboring communities at a watershed level to implement and accomplish goals.

Town of Philipstown Stormwater Management Program
Section 1 - Public Education
Section 2 - Public Involvement
Section 3 - Illicit Discharge
Section 4 - Construction Site Run Off
Section 5 - Post Construction
Section 6 - Pollution Prevention Fact Sheet,%20May%2018,%202007.pdf

USA EPA Polluted Runoff: Runoff Controls Polluted Runoff: Urbanization and Streams: Studies of Hydrologic Impacts Stream Corridor Restoration


Additional websites National Menu of Stormwater Best Management Practices
[Public Education - BMPs for MS4s to inform individuals and households about ways to reduce stormwater pollution.
Public Involvement - BMPs for MS4s to involve the public in the development, implementation, and review of an MS4's stormwater management program.
Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination - BMPs for identifying and eliminating illicit discharges and spills to storm drain systems.
Construction - BMPs for MS4s and construction site operators to address stormwater runoff from active construction sites.
Post-construction - BMPs for MS4s, developers, and property owners to address stormwater runoff after construction activities have completed.
Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping - BMPs for MS4s to address stormwater runoff from their own facilities and activities. ] Water Education for Teachers
[The mission of Project WET is to reach children, parents, educators, and communities of the world with water education. We invite you to join us in educating children about the most precious resource on the planet – water.]